Guntur Talkies is a 2016 Telugu Comedy Film starring Siddhu, Rashmi Gautham, Naresh, Mahesh Manjrekar, Shraddha Das, Raghu Babu and directed by Praveen Sattaru. Guntur Talkies is a simple tale of two petty thieves going wrong in their act. Giri (Naresh) and Hari (Siddhu) work in a medical shop as labourers in a small town. They get meager amount of money for their work. In the night, they do petty chori for extra income. Siddhu lusts for his neighbor’s sister (Rashmi), while Hari is a sex-starved man. One day they steal five lakhs and a small doll without their knowledge. Two dons Jackie (Mahesh Manjrekar) and Revolver Rani (Rashmi) are after them. What happens next is forms the post-interval drama.
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